Find Out How a Grammar Checker Can Improve Your Productivity — The Ins and Outs, Pros and Cons, and Everything in Between When Using Linguix

Don't get caught plagiarizing

If you’ve ever questioned your grammar, spelling, or punctuation, you could probably benefit from a grammar checker such as Linguix. As a teacher, I’m constantly questioning my writing. How embarrassing would it be to send an email to all my colleagues without perfect grammar?

I’ve actually been in that exact position! Worst of all, I’ve had a colleague point out my mistake. As you can imagine, I was completely mortified but I swore to never let it happen again.

After that shameful encounter, I’d stress myself out proofreading documents what felt like 100 times over. I knew I needed back up so I began researching grammar checkers and came across Linguix.

If you’re like me and you’d like to spend a little less time proofreading and revising, you may also enjoy a tool like Linguix. In this Linguix Review you will learn all of the following:

  • How Linguix can help alert to mistakes in your writing
  • How to add these tool as a browser extension that works in real-time
  • The cost of a subscription
  • The pros and cons of Linguix as compared to other grammar checkers
  • How I really feel about these checker

What is Linguix and How Does it Work? All About Linguix Features!

What’s remarkable about Linguix is that, unlike other grammar checkers, it was created with non-native English speakers in mind. However, that’s not to say that it isn’t suitable for native English speakers. It just means that Linguix is more sensitive to errors in writing than its competitors.

Essentially Linguix is a writing assistant that, when enabled, recognizes and highlights mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Additionally, Linguix will suggest ways to make improvements to your writing even if you haven’t necessarily made a grammatical error.

Linguix Interface

When Linguix alerts to a mistake, you, the writer, can simply hover your cursor over the highlighted or underlined word or phrase, and a window pops up. That pop-up window then explains the mistake and makes suggestions for correcting or improving the problem.

My favorite feature, by far, is that Linguix can be added as a browser extension that, when enabled, will scan your writing as you write. Gone are the days of clicking to grammar-check only once you’ve finished writing to have it entirely scanned then.

When you download the application, you’ll be prompted to add the extension as a bookmark to your web browser. Do it!

This helpful video not only walks you through how to install the Linguix browser extension but also shows you what it looks like in action.

This is an awesome preview of Linguix’s best feature!

In the “settings” window, you can personalize Linguix to alert for all elements you’d like it to scan for.

For instance, you can choose to enable shortcuts, paraphrasing, typography, punctuation, and dictionary settings. From the “personalize” window you can select the purposes for which you’ll use the checker, your native language, and your proficiency in English.

Furthermore, the shortcut feature is a really useful one for improving the efficiency with which you write. By using the settings window, you can conveniently add your own shortcuts. For instance, if you use the phrase “in the event of…” frequently, you can add a shortcut like “iteo” that will automatically input your phrasing.

This clip features some useful tips for using Linguix to its fullest extent. It even shows you exactly how to create and best use the convenient Linguix shortcuts.

Another of my favorite features is the ability to add words to the dictionary. If you work with uncommon last names or brand names that may not be recognized in a standard dictionary, you can take a few moments to add them to your Linguix dictionary; doing so can be a true time-saver.

The Dictionary Function Helps to Save the Time

The customizability of Linguix is what I love best about this grammar checker! Best of all, Linguix makes all of its recommendations in real-time.

What’s more, Linguix can also be used as a reading assistant that allows you to look up words as you read. If you’ve ever read web content, e-mails, etc., and not recognized a word or understood its context, Linguix can immediately help.

Simply use your mouse to right-click the word and Linguix will define and provide synonyms to help you out. Essentially, Linguix is more than a writing assistant, it’s a reading assistant too.

I found it super helpful to preview this Linguix Review video that walks viewers through opening an account, setting up preferences, and using some of its most popular features.

If you’re on the fence about taking the plunge with Linguix, a look at this useful video may help you decide.

Linguix is an excellent assistant and grammar checker that’s ideal for workplace writing and academic writing. Students especially love Linguix because when their grades depend on the quality of their writing, the added support of this application is much appreciated.


One of my greatest gripes in trying to find the best grammar checker for my needs, beyond functionality, is cost. Surprisingly, there are only a handful of decent grammar checkers on the market, some of which I review here. As such, they can afford to overcharge for their services.

However, Linguix has found a need in the market for a more competitive grammar checker. Laudably, Linguix delivers similar services as other providers at a fraction of the cost.

In fact, if you take a peek at this video, you can see Linguix fairly compared to its most comparable competitor: Grammarly. Not only does it show the similarities and differences in cost but also in their features and functionalities.


Although Linguix is free to download and does provide a limited free trial, you really can’t appreciate the checker’s full capability without a monthly subscription.

Sadly, with the free trial, you’re only introduced to one or two of the service’s features. Essentially, the free trial allows you to check out a typo here or there which only gives you a cursory idea of how the system works.

The Premium Version Lets You Use All the Features

With the subscription, which is priced below other grammar checkers like it, Linguix unleashes all of its many-faceted features.

The current subscription rate is $18.95 per month, with discounts provided for longer subscription periods. The current quarterly rate is $12 per month while the current annual rate is $8 a month.

Price Comparison to Other Popular Checkers

With competitive rates like these, a subscription to Linguix is worth buying. If for no other reason than the peace of mind when you send a professional email, submit a homework assignment, or beyond, a good grammar checker is worth having.

The Pros

Linguix has a long list of pros that make me strongly consider making the permanent switch from my old grammar checker. Here are some of them:

  • Linguix is super user-friendly from installation to everyday grammar-checking. Whether copying and pasting a document from your word processor into Linguix or using it in a web browsing suite such as Google Chrome, using the writing assistant couldn’t be any easier.
  • Linguix works in real-time to alert users to mistakes in their writing. As soon as you’ve made an error in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or usage, Linguix immediately highlights the error and provides a suggestion or two for remedying the error.
  • Linguix has a template feature that will provide you with a litany of useful templates. These templates are intended to help you begin a document type where you may need some inspiration. Some of the many useful template types include email, resume, essay, social, and more. This feature has really helped with my writer’s block!

You Can Make Your Own Template or Use The Ones Linguix Siggests

  • If you’re someone, like me, who repeatedly composes the same document type, you’ll love Linguix’s Snippet feature. Essentially, a Snippet is your very own template. As a teacher, I’ve created a lesson plan Snippet that I use every week; my snippet is kind of like a fill-in-the-blank worksheet. My students have used the Snippet feature to create shortcuts of the MLA Heading I require them to begin every assignment with. The Snippet feature is convenient and time-saving.
  • Linguix works on your phone! Linguix has a downloadable keyboard that can filter all of your typing on your cell phone. This download is available on both iOS and Android. I have an iPhone and Linguix has been integral in improving my texts, emails, search terms, and beyond. Essentially, every word I type on my phone is filtered and flagged (where necessary) through Linguix.

Linguix Phone Features

  • I do a lot of the same type of writing and I often find that my writing sounds redundant. Without Linguix, I was constantly switching windows and Googling “synonym for _______.” Linguix has a handy Synonyms feature that provides me with alternate vocabulary right in my document. To use this feature, I simply hold down the “alt” button while double-clicking the word I’d like to replace. With that, a pop-up window returns several excellent synonyms.

The Cons

  • I can tell you until I’m blue in the face just how worth it a subscription to Linguix is but until you try it out for yourself, you won’t truly understand. Unfortunately, Linguix’s free trial only checks spelling and punctuation therefore you don’t get to sample all of its wonderful features before taking the plunge.
  • Unlike other popular grammar checkers, Linguix does not have an included plagiarism checker. For the sake of streamlining my writing assistants, I wish that Linguix had this useful feature incorporated. Although I wish Linguix incorporated a plagiarism checker into its software, there are many other awesome plagiarism checkers on the market as I discuss in this article.

Instead of Plagiarism Checker There Is a Linguix Paraphrasing Tool

  • Although many reviewers seem to love Linguix’s “Secret Mode,” I don’t get the appeal. “Secret Mode” allows you to compose a document however it does not save your work. I guess this is okay if you’re copying and pasting from a word processor but if you’re composing in “Secret Mode” this spells trouble. You have to be really mindful of copying composed or revised work from “Secret Mode” to your preferred format. Essentially, “Secret Mode” takes me back to the nightmarish early days of Microsoft Word when I lost entire research papers because I forgot to click save.

User’s Feedback

Here’s the users’ feedback and, as you can see, it’s quite positive.

Most of the Users Recommend to Use Linguix

I’d be glad if you could express your opinion in the comments below after reading my Linguix review and testing this checker :)

My Personal Feedback

So, I’ve tried a Linguix subscription for a bit and I have to say that I’m impressed. Not only does it come at a better price point than its competitors, but it does all I need it to do as a grammar checker. The interface is super user-friendly and in no time I had Linguix figured out.

I love how fast Linguix recognizes mistakes in my writing and I especially love the synonym feature. Although for the sake of convenience I wish Linguix featured a plagiarism checker, this alone isn’t enough to keep me from using it.

Useful Resources

Final Thoughts

Linguix is definitely a worthy competitor in the grammar-checking game. For me, a trustworthy writing assistant is essential to my peace of mind. A poster in the faculty lounge at my school reminds us about the importance of properly placed commas. It says something like, “A correctly used comma is the difference between ‘Let’s eat grandpa.’ and ‘Let’s eat, grandpa.’”

I think of this poster every time I send an email or share an important document. I don’t want to be the gal who invites everyone to eat grandpa for dinner. For this reason, I count on a grammar checker to back me up. I can get over Linguix’s lack of a plagiarism checker because as I’ve discussed here, I have other options for that.

Let me know what you think about Linguix and my Linguix Review in the comments below!

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